Porumbei Voiajori - Programul Porumbei Voiajori
pedigree software and record keeping program for racing pigeons
  pedigree sheet for pigeon Produs
Software for creating pigeon pedigree charts
 ◈  Acasa

 ◈  Caracteristici

 ◈  Cerințe de sistem
pedigree software and record keeping program for racing pigeons
  pedigree sheet for pigeon Downloadeaza
Software for creating pigeon pedigree charts
 ◈  Downloadeaza Trial

 ◈  Actualizare Gratuita

 ◈  Imagine ochi

 ◈  Imagine porumbei
pedigree software and record keeping program for racing pigeons
  pedigree sheet for pigeon Comanda
Software for creating pigeon pedigree charts
 ◈  Comanda acum
pedigree software and record keeping program for racing pigeons
  pedigree sheet for pigeon Contact
Software for creating pigeon pedigree charts
 ◈  Contact & Sprijin

32-bit and 64-bit Windows


Il puteti folosi si porumbei in program Porumbei Voiajori, imaginile pot fi editate si modificate și salvați în baza de date a programului.

MASCUL :     Solzat    Fumuriu    Rosu    Negru    Baltat    Cuc    Argintiu  
FEMELA :     Albastru    Solzat    Fumuriu    Rosu    Negru    Baltat    Cuc    Argintiu  

the best breeding pigeons

 the best breed for racing pigeon

Selecting a Pigeon for Distance Racing

Flor Vervoort Hofkens Based Pigeons

Best Racing Pigeon Breeders

the best Janssen pigeons

breed pure Janssen Arendonk

pigeons out of the Janssen strain

the greatest Janssen racing pigeons

pigeons directly from Janssen

pigeons out of the Janssen strain were the best

Janssen pigeons in breed from the best pigeons

famous Janssen pigeons from Driekske Janssen

quality of the Janssen birds

best breeding lines of the Janssen

pigeons from Janssen Brother

origin of the world famous Janssen Strain

brothers Janssen was the greatest success

The exclusive Janssen racing pigeons

The breeding methods of Janssen brothers

best performance pigeons go to the breeding loft

Janssen-Van Den Bosch pigeons

The best performance pigeons

The Best Racing Pigeons in the World

Roland Jansen racing pigeons

pigeons came from Gus Hofkens

The base of Hofkens was mostly Janssen-pigeons

dominant breeding pigeons

Gust Hofkens had the very best pigeons

Granddaughter of Hofkens Best

De Jonge Witstaartstier pigeon

 Hollywood Pied Hofkens Hen

3rd National Ace Pigeon

the best kept breed of racing pigeon

Hofken racing pigeons

Hofkens hen-both wonderful pigeons

old Hofken family of pigeons
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